Flowering plants are usually at their peak of production during your summer vacation period and require some attention before you leave.

Move both your indoor and outdoor plants out of direct sunlight since sunlight dries the soil quickly.

Deadhead and trim your plants before you leave. But while pruning before you leave is beneficial, it’s best to fertilize plants only after you return. Fertilizing before you leave can lead to plant growth, which causes the plants to require more care and watering.

Right before you leave for vacation, water your flowers thoroughly so that the soil is evenly moist throughout. Water all of your outdoor flowering plants as well, including the pots you moved to the shade.

Most flowering plants can survive only a week or two weeks without care. If you will be gone longer, need someone to water the plants while you’re gone.

If you soak your bougainvillea thoroughly before you leave it will welcome you home with a profusive blooms.  With this plant the dryer the roots the stronger the next bloom cycle.  

Written by Editor