HOW TO Divide your perennials

Fall has finally arrived in Texas! Fall (before the frost), is the best time to divide and plant your perennial flowers so that they have time to develop good, strong […]
How To Plant a Bean Garden

Regardless of the variety you choose, all beans require warm weather to grow and produce. Plant your bean garden once the soil temperature in your garden reaches 65 °F and […]
Thunderbird Named 2023 Rodeo Tomato

Are you ready to make a fast start with tomatoes in the vegetable garden in 2023 despite our less than successful plantings over the last few years? If so, check […]
How To Start a Windowsill Herb Garden

Whether you choose a row of terra cotta pots or a modern planter, a freshly potted herb garden adds natural style to your kitchen. The vessel you choose should be […]
HOW TO Take Oranges Off Your Tree

Oranges are among the easiest fruits to harvest. When the fruit is no longer green, check it for ripeness by pulling off, peeling and tasting one of the oranges from […]

Kale and spinach grow well together in a combined winter garden because they share the same cultural requirements. The plants grow quickly, with both greens usually ready for the first […]
Stage 2 Watering Rules

Stage 2 restrictions begin when the 10-day rolling average of the Edwards Aquifer level reaches 650 feet mean sea level at the monitored well. Coming out of drought stages can […]
How To Keep Your Flowers Alive While You Are on Vacation

Flowering plants are usually at their peak of production during your summer vacation period and require some attention before you leave. Move both your indoor and outdoor plants out […]
2022 Rodeo Tomato STM2255

Look for the 2022 San Antonio Rodeo Tomato STM2255 on sale next week at Milbergers’s Nursery. The variety selected this year is a determinate plant that produces a generous crop […]
Christmas Trees have arrived at the nursery

We have unloaded the first shipments of fresh-cut Christmas trees. Shop for your soon because this year there will be a shortage of trees. Visit our website for a comparison […]