May 27, 2016 Uncategorized No Comments

Spring is in full swing. It’s warming up. Butterflies are flying around but it isn’t quite yet Summer. There’s plenty of difference between spring and summer planting and garden care. Here are just a few pieces of advice that can keep your garden in perfect bloom.

Spring means pests. Beetles, grubs, rabbits, and deer: they’re all out to turn your beautiful roses into a tasty meal. Use a natural pest deterrent to keep unwanted creepy crawlies away. Most insects are more than beneficial to a home garden and act as pollinators and can even eat more harmful pests. If you have a more serious pest problem, try a barrier pest control system to keep bugs from even getting close to your garden. Lights and alarms will scare  larger pests away before they can even think about getting too close to your rosemary planter.

Unreliable sunlight can ruin even the best laid plans for planting. Due to the varying levels of light during the day, some plants get too much sun and others too little. Try to move sun-loving plants to planters to keep them on the move with the daylight. Shade some plants when they’re getting too much sun.

Watering your plants is vital but spring can mean dry weather or too much rain. If there’s flooding or too much rain in the forecast, move more delicate and young plants to planters and keep them covered during rain. If your garden is flooded: cut a small ditch into your garden to move some water away from your plants and prevent pests that enjoy stagnant water.  Not enough water? Work on changing your water schedule to adjust to the rainfall in the area. If the soil around your garden or planters seems dry then water your plants a little more.

Late spring is a fascinating time of extremes. Too much rain, too little rain. Too much sun, too little sun. Keep these handy tips in mind and late spring will be a breeze for you.

Written by milbergers