Learn Gardening Tips for Kids

person holding 2 radishes just picked

There’s nothing like gardening as a family. It’s a calming, relaxing and educational hobby that can get the whole family together. While gardening can seem like a task primarily for older kids and adults but kids of all ages are happy to get down and dirty in a family garden.

Start off by getting kid-friendly gardening tools. These tiny tools aren’t just the right size for gardeners in training they’re also often not as sharp to keep potential injuries at bay. There are plenty of gardening tools available for young gardeners and having a set that’s just for them can help instill confidence and a desire to work hard to maintain their part of the garden.

Once you’ve gotten the right tools for the job for your little garden helper, it’s a good time to figure out what chores are right for your child when it comes to gardening. For younger kids, keep the chore load simple: they can help pull weeds and water flowering plants and vegetables; they can also help planting seeds. Older kids can be responsible for picking any vegetables, berries or nuts produced in the garden and rinsing the harvest and more delicate tasks like removing any damaged or bruised leaves. Other chores for older kids can include raking leaving and digging holes.

Gardening is also a brilliant educational tool for kids young and old. Try bringing together different feeders and plants to attract helpful wildlife like butterfly feeders and hummingbird-attracting plants. Certain plants can attract deer, rabbits, and other fauna that you can use to teach kids about the local creatures and flowers. It’s also a great time to teach kids about any potentially harmful or dangerous plants that can keep them safe.

Ready to get started on gardening with your kids? First set out a clear defined space for them to work on either themselves or a certain section of your garden that they can help with. Give your kids clear and defined tasks like watering or pulling weeds. If you’re giving your kids a special garden for them to work on themselves; start with either a potted seedling or with a diverse mix of plants. Make a schedule to help keep you and your kids on track: mark which day what plants need to be watered and what days need to be dedicated to pruning and cleaning up as well as when it’s time to harvest your garden’s bounty.

Gardening can help your family bond by sharing a common activity and can boost your children’s self-esteem and pride. Teaching your kids where their food comes from and the responsibility of having to look after and care for another living thing can help build necessary life skills and give them something to look forward to. If you’re ready to start the next step in building a garden for your family, stop by Milberger’s Nursery.

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