Your yard is getting ready — are you?

Kids running in field

Plants are re-emerging and blooming and grass is starting to awaken from its winter dormancy. But that doesn’t mean it’s time for full-scale watering.

We’re seeing all the familiar indicators of spring in Central Texas: cool mornings, warm afternoons, an occasional shower. Your yard may be looking like spring is here too.

Plants are reemerging and blooming, weeds are thick, and grass is starting to emerge from its winter dormancy. But just because it’s warm, doesn’t mean you should water in March like you did last summer in July and August.

Here’s one reason why. A standard no-frills sprinkler system can use 8,600 gallons in a month. So, just turning on the sprinklers in spring can double or even triple a typical water bill.

Also, we’re still in a drought and the aquifer remains at record low levels — and Stage 2 watering rules are still in effect.

So how much should you water in spring versus summer? A free irrigation consultation can provide the answer to that question. A SAWS conservation consultant will come to your home and run through your irrigation system. They’ll check the settings, look for leaks, and document any maintenance issues in need of repair. With your permission, they’ll make any adjustments you need to save water and stay within Stage 2 watering rules.

They can also offer sensible efficiency upgrades to save you water and money, including irrigation design rebates for master valves, pressure-reducing heads, removing unnecessary sections and, for the biggest savings, retiring the entire system.

If removing your irrigation system sounds daunting, rest assured it’s not. We have great rebates and coupons to easily transform your landscape into a beautiful, water-saving outdoor haven. Imagine less grass, more native and drought tolerant plants and a functional outdoor living space.

Everything has a beginning. Spring is a beginning. Your yard’s makeover journey begins with a free irrigation consultation. Give us a call at 210-704-SAVE to take the first step in your water conservation journey.

Visit to learn more about our programs, rebates, and for landscaping tips to keep your yard thriving.

By Gail Dugelby,  a SAWS Conservation Consultant with deep roots in San Antonio and the Hill Country. She spent her youth climbing trees, playing in the Guadalupe River, and exploring the outdoors. This drives her passion for nature and our diverse environment, especially our most precious natural resource — water. Given the choice, she would be outside all the time.

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