Frozen plants

BY JULIA SILVA, Field Investigator in SAWS Conservation: While your lawn might be hibernating (or at least looking suspiciously less vibrant), these pros still have bills to pay — and you’ve got some bargaining chips. In fact, a little wit can go a long way toward getting you a great deal.

Just remember to be reasonable. After all, they’ve got mouths to feed, too (and it’s not like they’re rolling in landscaping dough in January). Your landscape project might be one of the few things keeping them busy until spring rolls around.

Emphasize that you’re offering them a chance to get a jump start on their year. So hit them with your wit: “How about we celebrate with a discount for kicking off the 2025 season ahead of schedule?”

Or maybe try: “Can you winter vortex that price down a little for me?”

Winter projects are rare, and you can use that to your advantage. Pitch this as your hook line and sinker by offering to use your yard to show off their landscaping magic — even in the midst of cold temps. Offer to tell all your neighbors and put in a good review on Google (or Tinder, if you’re feeling cheeky).

If it saves you some money, pat yourself on the back. Just remember to keep it very positive and light-hearted while talking to your landscapers. They appreciate a good word-of-mouth campaign.

Also, check with your neighbors to see if they’d like to go halfsies with you — maybe on a new shared fence? Right now is even a great time to strike a deal on a cement project since it’s the down season and materials would be at a low.

Another sweet deal to think about? SAWS’ rebate to help make your back yard bougier! With the Outdoor Living Rebate, you can save between $300-$1,000 on a project.

And with SAWS WaterSaver Landscape Coupon, you can eliminate 200 square feet of grass and replace it with a new water-saving flower bed!

If you have an irrigation system, just remember to schedule a free irrigation consultation before you begin any work.

With the right approach, you might just walk away with one heck of a deal on your landscaping needs and a smile. And who knows? You may even get them to admit your jokes were worth a few bucks off.

Julia Silva is a conservation field investigator for SAWS. She grew up on George Road alongside Medina lake, fishing and swimming. Julia believes in the importance of conserving water, preserving our environment, and protecting our wildlife, from a young age. She enjoys camping with her family and friends during meteor showers. A licensed irrigator with plans to continue her education, Julia is an avid believer that knowledge holds power.

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Frozen plants