Replacing some or all of your lawn with beautiful WaterSaver landscaping plants is an easy and effective way to reduce your water use, save money and create a more interesting yard. When maintained effectively, a WaterSaver landscape can reduce your outdoor water use by up to 50%. Converting even a small portion of your lawn to drought-tolerant plants can add up to significant water savings.
A grass lawn offers little for butterflies, bees and birds. Who can resist the popping reds of Turk’s cap, the contrast of purple Mexican bush sage with yellow copper canyon daisy, or the pink on the autumn sage? These and other hardy, native plants add beauty, color and nourishment for pollinators.
Replacing shallow-rooted turf grasses like zoysia and St. Augustine grass with deeper-rooted native and perennial plants produces healthier soil that absorbs more water and creates less run-off.