December 18, 2016 Gardening Tips, News 2 Comments

Poinsettias are the most popular Holiday Season plants. Poinsettias, which are native to southern Mexico and flower during the winter, have become synonymous with Christmas and we have them at Milberger’s.

Why are Poinsettias associated with Christmas? According to who you ask, the shape of the Poinsettia flower and leaves are sometimes thought as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Wise Men to Jesus. Some also say that the red colored leaves symbolize the blood of Christ, and that the white leaves represent purity.

The Poinsettia is a worldwide holiday favorite for indoor decorating, and though they come in a variety of colors, the traditional red is by far the most popular. Poinsettias add a lasting, beautiful splash of color during the holidays, and they’re easy to maintain. Treat them similar to other houseplants: give them bright light, allow them to slightly dry between watering and feed them with a liquid houseplant fertilizer according to label directions. If you want to keep your Poinsettias after the holidays and make them bloom a second time, come by Milberger’s and speak to one of our associates, we’ll be happy to give you some great tips on how to do this successfully.

It’s that time of the year. Drop by Milberger’s for your poinsettias and a wide selection of other winter plants.

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